Want to help but you're not quite sure what to do?
7 things for your Breast Cancer Support Bag.
NOTEBOOK - at each appointment, the doctor will share lots of valuable information which can seem overwhelming. Take notes for your friend so that after the appointment you can review what was shared. You can also use the notes from the appointment to do additional research online. A great resource for information is the Cancer Support Community.
CREATE AN EMOTIONS KIT - something your friend will be able to hold onto while working through the rough times. This can be anything from a quilt to a devotional book, soothing or meditative - something to connect with, will help when it feels like everything is falling apart.
DEVELOP AN EXERCISE ROUTINE - if you and/or your friend didn't have one before, you need to develop one now. A new study by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York has indicated that working-out can decrease the onset of breast cancer, can reduce the side effects of cancer and help the recovery process after diagnosis. Walking is strongly recommended as a way of reducing the likelihood of a fatality as a result of cancer.
MANAGE THE NETWORK - breast cancer survivors do best with a strong support team around them. However, each person involved will have scores of questions, require regular progress reports and will be sending care items. Know your friend's family members and social contacts. If this is a large group and you don't have the time to manage it, designate one close member from each group to keep everyone in the loop or use online tools such as carepages.com, which allows you to create an online support network of family and friends providing them with updates, and information on how they can help.
START A FUND - the cost of on-going treatment, continuous education and changing lifestyle will undoubtedly have an impact. Starting a fund where well-wishers can contribute financially and in-kind will go a long way to helping your friend get back on her feet and stay ahead of the curve.
RESEARCH SUPPORT GROUPS - while you are giving selflessly of your time and efforts, don't forget that your friend will still need the support of others who have gone through the exact same experience. Research cancer support groups in your area and accompany your friend to a group meeting.
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